Your Privacy with Matthew AI

Below is a simplified overview of our privacy policy to help explain how we work with the data provided to Matthew AI:

  • We collect personal information when you create an account or use our services, including your name, contact details, and technical information like your device and browsing data.
  • We use your information to provide and improve our services, communicate with you, conduct research, and ensure the security of our systems.
  • We may share your information with vendors and service providers who help us operate our business, but we do not sell your personal information to third parties for marketing.
  • We use cookies and tracking technologies to analyze how people use our site and improve user experience.
  • We protect your personal information with reasonable security measures, but we acknowledge that no online transmission is 100% secure.
  • We store your data on servers in the United States and may transfer your information between different locations.
  • We do not intentionally collect data from children under 13 and will remove such information if accidentally collected.
  • We store your conversations which are linked to the email you provided only once you've signed in to your account, however we do not use that information to train our AI models
  • You can update, delete, or block your information by contacting or adjusting your browser settings.
  • We may update this privacy policy over time, and continuing to use our services after updates implies your consent to the new terms.
  • We are transparent about our data practices and provide contact information for any questions or concerns about your privacy.

To review the entire Privacy Policy, please click here.